Rev. Jimmie and Gloria Johnson were married in 1986 and shortly afterwards began to develop a deeper commitment for the Lord. Rev. Jimmie has earned a Master’s Degree in Psychology from Northcentral University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Grambling State University and has coursework in a Masters of Arts-Missiology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Professional Counseling at Liberty University. Rev. Jimmie worked in the insurance industry for 20 years prior to his call to full time ministry. He also served as an Associate Minister at Solid Rock Baptist Church in Houston, Texas where Dr. Ross M. Cullins, Sr. is the Senior Pastor. Gloria is currently enrolled at Letourneau University and is working on completing her degree in Psychology. Gloria worked for a number of years at a law firm in Houston, Texas. Gloria also served as co-director of young adult’s ministry along with Jimmie at Solid Rock Baptist Church.
The Lord called Rev. Jimmie and Sister Gloria to serve as foreign missionaries to Namibia, Africa from 2003-2009 where they worked in the areas of youth and evangelism and leadership development. They continue to have a passion for God’s people there in Namibia and hope to return to continue the work which the Lord allowed them to start. Through their ministry and the Lord’s leading, many souls were drawn to Christ and many lives were changed.